Am 09:44 2003-05-22 -0400 hat Jake Colman geschrieben:
>I'm sorry, Michelle, but I don't understand your question.
>I use the following command
>  AddToFunc StartFunction I FvwmButtons BarButtons

As I have already written, here my ButtonPanel

Put it into a file called 'FvwmButtons' and 
call it from .fvwmrc with 'read FvwmButtons'

# Module: FvwmButtons
# Section: ButtonPanel

Style ButtonPanel NoTitle
Style ButtonPanel NoHandles
Style ButtonPanel Sticky
Style ButtonPanel WindowListSkip
Style ButtonPanel BorderWidth 0
Style ButtonPanel CirculateSkip
Style ButtonPanel StaysOnTop

*ButtonPanel: Fore White
*ButtonPanel: Back NavyBlue

# *ButtonPanel: Geometry 4x48
# *ButtonPanel: (Panel (right, steps 12, delay 0, position module top)
"ButtonBar" "Module FvwmButtons ButtonBar")
*ButtonPanel: Geometry 1024x4
*ButtonPanel: (Panel (down, delay 0, position module center)
"ButtonBar" "Module FvwmButtons ButtonBar")
*ButtonPanel: Rows 1
*ButtonPanel: Frame 1
*ButtonPanel: Padding 0 0

# Section: ButtonBar

Style ButtonBar NoTitle
Style ButtonBar NoHandles
Style ButtonBar Sticky
Style ButtonBar WindowListSkip
Style ButtonBar BorderWidth 0
Style ButtonBar CirculateSkip
Style ButtonBar StaysOnTop

*ButtonBar: Fore White
*ButtonBar: Back DodgerBlue

*ButtonBar: Rows 1
*ButtonBar: Font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*ButtonBar: Frame 3
*ButtonBar: Padding 2 2
# *ButtonBar: Geometry 1020x48+12+0
*ButtonBar: Geometry 1024x48+0+4

*ButtonBar: (              Icon,       Action 'Exec exec
xman  -pagesize 800x685+108+52           -title ""
-name "Xman" -notopbox -bothshown &')
*ButtonBar: (              Icon 32x32.xterm.xpm,      Action 'Exec exec
xterm -geometry 80x25+120+120  -fn 10x20 -title "xterm"
-name "xterm" &')
*ButtonBar: (              Icon 32x32.filemgr.xpm,    Action 'Exec exec
xterm -geometry 100x30+7+100   -fn 10x20 -title "Midnight Commander"
-name "mc" -n "mc" -e mc &')

*ButtonBar: (     Frame 0, Padding 1 1, Container(Frame 1))
*ButtonBar: (2x1, Frame 2, Title "linuxnfs",          Action 'Exec exec
xterm -geometry 80x32+70+64 -fn 10x20 -title
"";   -n "linuxnfs" -e mc  &')
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Title "3.0r0",             Action 'Exec exec
xterm -geometry 80x32+70+64 -fn 10x20 -title
"ftp://linuxnfs/debian/dists/3.0r0"; -n "3.0r0"    -e mc  &')
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Title "1.3",               Action 'Exec exec
xterm -geometry 80x32+70+64 -fn 10x20 -title
"ftp://linuxnfs/debian/dists/1.3";   -n "1.3"      -e mc    &')
*ButtonBar: (End)

*ButtonBar: (              Icon 32x32.xcdroast.xpm,   Action 'Exec
xcdroast &')
*ButtonBar: (              Icon 32x32.mozilla2.xpm,   Action 'Exec
mozilla    -geometry 1012x700+0+56 &')
*ButtonBar: (              Icon 32x32.mutt.xpm,       Action 'Exec exec
xterm -geometry 80x32+70+64   -fn 10x20 -title "mutt" -name "mutt" -e
mutt -f ~/mail/linux/in.mbx &')
*ButtonBar: (              Icon 32x32.openwriter.xpm, Action 'Exec
openwriter &')
*ButtonBar: (              Icon 32x32.xmms.xpm,       Action 'Exec xmms &')

*ButtonBar: (3x1, Frame 0, Padding 1 1, Container(Frame 1))
*ButtonBar: (7x1, Frame 0, Title "Michelle's CD-Player")
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Icon 16x16.speaker-on.xpm, Action Popup
CDVol mouse c +40)
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Icon 16x16.disk_eject.xpm, Action Exec exec
eject /dev/cdrom &)
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Icon 16x16.snd_prev.xpm,   Action Exec exec
cdplay - &)
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Icon 16x16.snd_play.xpm,   Action Exec exec
cdplay start &)
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Icon 16x16.snd_next.xpm,   Action Exec exec
cdplay + &)
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Icon 16x16.snd_pause.xpm,  Action Exec exec
cdpause &)
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Icon 16x16.snd_stop.xpm,   Action Exec exec
cdplay stop &)
*ButtonBar: (End)

*ButtonBar: (     Frame 0, Padding 1 1, Container(Frame 1))
*ButtonBar: (2x1, Frame 2, Title "cam",               Action 'Exec exec
x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x25+250+210 -title "cam" -name "cam" -e
cam &')
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Icon 16x16.speaker-on.xpm, Action Popup
AudioVol mouse c +40)
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Icon 16x16.speaker-off.xpm, Action 'Exec
exec cam -v 0,0 &')
*ButtonBar: (End)

*ButtonBar: (     Frame 0, Padding 1 1, Container(Frame 1))
*ButtonBar: (2x1, Frame 0, Title "mounter")
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Icon, Action Popup
floppy mouse c +40)
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 2, Icon,   Action Popup
cdrom mouse c +40)
*ButtonBar: (End)

*ButtonBar: (              Icon 32x32.gimp.xpm, Action 'Exec exec gimp &')

*ButtonBar: (     Frame 1, Padding 0 0, Swallow "xload"     "Exec exec
xload  -geometry 40x40+0-3000 -highlight rgb:ff/00/00 -jumpscroll 1
-nolabel -scale 3 -update 1 -fg rgb:00/00/00 -bg rgb:00/cc/ff")
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 1, Padding 0 0, Swallow "FvwmPager" "Module
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 1, Padding 0 0, Swallow "xclock"    "Exec exec
xclock -geometry 40x40+0-3000 -padding 2 -analog -chime -hd White -hl
White -fg White -bg RoyalBlue")

*ButtonBar: (     Frame 0, Padding 1 1, Container(Frame 1))
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 1, Title "restart", Icon 32x32.recycler.xpm,
Action 'Restart')
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 1, Title "pstree",  Icon 32x32.pstree.xpm,
Action "Exec exec pstree -aclnpu michelle |xmessage -center -file -")
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 1, Title "free",    Icon,
Action "Exec exec ~/.fvwm/scripts/FreeDF")
*ButtonBar: (     Frame 1, Title "xwd",     Icon 32x32.xwd.xpm,
Action "Exec exec xwd |xwdtopnm |pnmtojpeg --quality 100
>~/.fvwm/dumps/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.jpg")
*ButtonBar: (End)

*ButtonBar: (Icon 32x32.bomb.xpm,     Action 'Exec exec xkill')
*ButtonBar: (Icon 32x32.shutdown.xpm, Action 'FvwmForm FvwmForm-QuitVerify')

# Section: Popups

DestroyMenu CDVol
AddToMenu   CDVol
+ "%audiovol.005.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 5,5
+ "%audiovol.010.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 10,10
+ "%audiovol.015.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 15,15
+ "%audiovol.020.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 20,20
+ "%audiovol.025.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 25,25
+ "%audiovol.030.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 30,30
+ "%audiovol.035.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 35,35
+ "%audiovol.040.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 40,40
+ "%audiovol.045.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 45,45
+ "%audiovol.050.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 50,50
+ "%audiovol.055.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 55,55
+ "%audiovol.060.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 60,60
+ "%audiovol.065.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 65,65
+ "%audiovol.070.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 70,70
+ "%audiovol.075.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 75,75
+ "%audiovol.080.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 80,80
+ "%audiovol.085.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 85,85
+ "%audiovol.090.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 90,90
+ "%audiovol.095.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 95,95
+ "%audiovol.100.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --cd 100,100

DestroyMenu AudioVol
AddToMenu   AudioVol
+ "%audiovol.005.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 5,5
+ "%audiovol.010.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 10,10
+ "%audiovol.015.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 15,15
+ "%audiovol.020.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 20,20
+ "%audiovol.025.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 25,25
+ "%audiovol.030.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 30,30
+ "%audiovol.035.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 35,35
+ "%audiovol.040.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 40,40
+ "%audiovol.045.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 45,45
+ "%audiovol.050.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 50,50
+ "%audiovol.055.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 55,55
+ "%audiovol.060.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 60,60
+ "%audiovol.065.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 65,65
+ "%audiovol.070.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 70,70
+ "%audiovol.075.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 75,75
+ "%audiovol.080.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 80,80
+ "%audiovol.085.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 85,85
+ "%audiovol.090.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 90,90
+ "%audiovol.095.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 95,95
+ "%audiovol.100.xpm%"  Exec exec cam --volume 100,100

DestroyMenu floppy
AddToMenu   floppy
+ "mount /floppy"       Exec exec mount /floppy; xterm -geometry 80x40+200+80
-T "Midnight Commander: /floppy" -n "/floppy" -e mc /floppy
+ "umount /floppy"      Exec exec umount /floppy
+ ""    nop
+ "open mc"             Exec exec xterm -geometry 80x40+200+80 -T "Midnight
Commander: /floppy" -n "/floppy" -e mc /floppy

DestroyMenu cdrom
AddToMenu   cdrom
+ "mount /cdrom"        CDmount
+ "umount /cdrom"       CDumount
+ ""    nop
+ "open mc"             Exec exec xterm -geometry 80x40+200+80 -T "Midnight
Commander: /cdrom" -n "/cdrom" -e mc /cdrom

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