On 13 Jan 2004 13:32:54 -0600, Shay Hill wrote:
> Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > On 13 Jan 2004 09:36:08 -0600, Shay Hill wrote:
> > 
> > > Is it possible to take my SetEnv defined colors and translate them into 
> > > symbolic colors useable by an xpm? This seems possible with FVWMCPP, but 
> > > I've got not idea where even to begin.
> > 
> > No, FVWM does not support symbolic colors in XPM.
> > 
> > If it ever supports symbolic colors (fg, bg, sh, hi) in XPM, then you
> > will need to define them in the colorset that is used in the area where
> > your XPM image is drawn.
> > 
> > But maybe if you explain what you need exactly there is a different way
> > to achieve this than to use XPM symbolic colors (like used, say, in CDE).
> > For example, you may generate XPM dynamically (using "FvwmCPP -debug
> > -noread", or maybe "FvwmPerl -p" or a shell script) and use this
> > generated image for your needs.
> I have declared (SetEnv) four strings at the top of my fvwm2rc file 
> representing  foreground, background,  outline , and desktop color 
> definitions. I would like to use these colors in some way to color 
> three-color xmps without having to define the colors anywhere else in 
> the file.

If you want a generic way to do this, then, like I said, this is not
supported. However it probably may be solve case by case if we know where
you plan to use such XPMs. For example, titlebar vector buttons support
drawing using bg, fg, sh and hi colors of the corresponding colorset.

You may partially achieve what you want if you use colorsets, transparent
XPM and alpha blended PNG images to draw different things. Then you may
just change colorset definitions at any time and transparent images will
adapt to a new background and the text will use a new foreground color.
If we speak about menus, modules and decorations.

You may read about colorsets in the man pages. See fvwm-themes package
for colorset usage examples.

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