On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 09:05:20AM +0100, Denis Prost wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to the list.
> I'm using fvwm with KDE (nice combination !). Everything works fine except 
> two 
> small problems :
> 1) the icons in the kde systray are not properly displayed for a few 
> applications :
> - korn (tells you how many mails are in your mailbox) : the button size for 
> each mailbox, sometimes fits, sometimes does not fit the systray size
> - klipper, kmix : the icon is not properly centered in the systray
> 2) Pressing the button for the focused window on the kde taskbar does not 
> iconify it (it does with kwin), while right clicking on it and selecting 
> "minimize" works.

I guess both are problems in the KDE taskbar.  Try asking on the
corresponding mailing list.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^
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