On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 03:47:00PM +0200, Johan Svedberg wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been playing around with having FVWM (2.5.10) as my windowmanager
> in GNOME (2.6). I followed the instructions in the FAQ (2.8), so I am
> using gnome-session. Anyway, things seem to be working well, except for
> one thing, my workspaces. I've always been using
>     DeskTopSize 6x1
> so I want the same in GNOME. So I tried 
>     DeskTopSize 1x1
>     EWMHNumberOfDesktops 6 0
> but that seem to mess upp the GNOME workspaceswitcher. Any ideas on how
> I to get this right?

What about not using EWMHNumberOfDesktops and setting the
number of desktops via the  GNOME workspaceswitcher (right button
click over the workspaceswitcher ..etc)

Regards, Olivier
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