Hello Marco, 

Am 2004-07-11 19:06:41, schrieb calmar:
>On Sun, Jul 11, 2004 at 02:46:40AM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:

>> I guess until recently, we would not have known what to do with a
>> donation.  Recently I started to work as a freelance programmer
>> and could spend extra time on fvwm (for example to get 2.6
>> released) if I had not to worry about the next commission.
>I don't really understand what you mean. I guess that means now
>you would know what to do with it. Then I would need an address
>at paypal or something like this. I guess I would donate $100,
>what is not that much, when I would be rich I could do more :)

He well tell you, that he hast its own One-man-Enterprise and 
must look for clients to live, in general Freelancers working 
more then 40 hours a week...

Like me (around 80 hours)... 7/24

This mean, if he or we have sponsors which donate, wee can 
reduce our main Job and do development for the OSS-Community

Sometimes I have sponsors here in Strasbourg and I have 2-4.000 
Euro which mean, I cam live 3-5 month of it...

No need to look for paying clients !

So if you want to donate US$ 100 to Dominik, maybe he can work a 
littlebit more on fvwm...

>marco aka calmar


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