Am 2006-01-29 11:39:20, schrieb seventh guardian:
> Hi.
> I've been in the mailing list for some time (both fvwm and
> fvwm-workers), and also in other mailing lists. It really fills my
> inbox, as I believe it does to most of you..

??? -- With a gmail account?

I use GSM to access my Mailbox via IMAP and have no troble.
Maybe you should use a better MUA?

A forum would be very bad, because I can not access it with GSM.
Only Mail with imap(s), pop3(s) and (a)smtp.

> Cheers
>   Renato Caldas

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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