On 4/19/06, Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello *,
> Because of a recent discusion on debian-edu I like to know, whether
> there are plans to ass desctop icons and Drag-N-Drop menus to FVWM?

I did ask for some kind of support for this a while ago. Since then I
got used to not having it, but even so ended up using rox as a desktop

I don't think the "desktop framework" should be "inside" fvwm, but
rather upgrade the module mechanism so that it would become easy to
have that kind of dnd support from one module (somekind of hook

As for desktop icons per se, I don't think that's a task for fvwm, but
rather for another app like rox or even some module.

> I mean, if I have the FvwmTaskBar StartMenu and include for example
> the "Debian menu System" (Debian Pakage: menu) and can Drag-N-Drop
> programs from the Menu to a better place in the StartMenu?

Maybe in the future the menus could be provided by special modules, so
that we can either have the minimalistic (manual) aproach, or the
fully automated one. I would really like to see this happen..

> And then, Drag-N-Drop or forgrams or Files from the FvwmTaskBar
> StartMenu to the Desktop?  (Sorry, but "dfm" is no solution and it
> crash to much).

If the menus supported drag and drop, then any "dnd-aware" app could
work with them, without needing fvwm to support a desktop.

As I said, having the desktop icons support in fvwm really means a
true "fvwm desktop app", which would either be fully functional (and
heavy), or minimalistic (and kind of useless).

> Thois two functions are those, which $USER demanding if they are
> switching from the proprietary OS to Linux.
> I think, you know why!  --  Otherwise you are not here on the list.
> Greetings
>     Michelle Konzack
>     Tamay Dogan Network

  Renato Caldas

> --
> Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
> ##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
> Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
>                    50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
> 0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

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