I've been working on the idea of proxy groups.
Fvwm developers are welcome to evaluate and provide feedback on a prototype.


There are no new .fvwm2rc configurations yet.  It's all in code.

Proxy boxes now contain seven colored boxes.  Click a box to join
that group.  Moving, raising, lowering, iconifying, or deiconifying
a window in a group likewise affects the whole group.
Resizing a window in the group adjusts the matching edges
of the other windows in the group, primarily adjacent neighbors,
but across corners and even parallel disconnected edges as well.
Group behavior on moves and resizes does not occur when the proxies
are shown, so you can still make arbitrary adjustments.  Coarse size
increments (mostly consoles) are handled by internally retaining a
goal size.

Also, any new window that has the same process id (by _NET_WM_PID) as
any other window is automatically lumped into the same group,
starting a new group if necessary.

 ( \      _  \    /_ /  _ _  Jason Weber                  Glendale, CA
  \|(\/)()))  \/\/(-/_)(-/(  http://www.imonk.com/baboon  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  //                                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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