Hi All,

I've been wanting to turn off the automatic hotkeys in the WindowList
menu, and the man said I needed the AutomaticHotkeysOff option. 

However, I can't get it to work.

Right now my menu definition looks like so:

MenuStyle WindowList
ItemFormat "%.0s%.4|%.10i%.5l%.5l%.5r%2.3>%10|", \ 
ActiveFore, HilightBack, TitleUnderlines1, \ 
Hilight3DOff, PopupOffset 0, SeparatorsLong, TrianglesSolid, \ 
MenuColorset 14, ActiveColorset 16, GreyedColorset 17, \
BorderWidth 1, \
Font xft:Arial:Bold:size=10pt, \ 

But, this doesn't work. Am I missing something obvious here?

Any pointers will be gladly accepted.


FVWM 2.5.17
Debian Sarge/Unstable

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