On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 02:59:55PM +0100, Philipp Kolmann wrote:
> Dominik Vogt wrote:
> >On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 09:09:35AM +0100, Philipp Kolmann wrote:
> >>while doing my first steps in qt4 I discovered that the move of a window 
> >>>from a program doesn't work as expected with qt4 and FVWM 2.5.
> >>
> >>I talked to Trolltech about it and they said it works in FVWM 2.4 but 
> >>not in 2.5. And since 2.5 is devel snapshot I should raise the issue 
> >>here, so it might get fixed by FVWM.
> >>
> >>I have added a small test-app that creates 2 Windows.
> >>
> >>If you move the first window, the second window should also get 
> >>replaced. You see the move-events in the textboxes. Currently if I move 
> >>the "Move me" Window the other window doesn't get moved.
> >>
> >>Could you please have a look, what's wrong.
> >
> >I could take a look if could compile the test program (see below).
> >Also, you did not tell us your fvwm version.  It would also be
> >helpful if you explained how your program works internally:  I
> >have never seen a qt program before.
> Sorry: Details follow:
> fvwm 2.5.23
> qt4 4.3.3
> To compile the program, you need to generate the makefile:
> first call qmake-qt4 or if you only have qt4 it might be just qmake
> then you have the makefile, so you can just make the binary.
> The program does the following:
> If the first window get's moved, this gets signalled and the first 
> window calls a move function for the second window (testwin.cpp -> 
> mymove) to move.

Works fine for me:  I move the first window by dragging the mouse,
and when I release the mouse button, the second window moves too.
Maybe you expected that the second window moves immediately while
you drag the first one?  That is not possible without the
cooperation of the application; fvwm can only move one window at a
time, and it was never possible to move multiple windows in a

However, if your application supports some special EWMH protocol,
the *application* can move both windows at the same time.  Such
applications usually have some area inside the client window where
you can click to move the window.  Your test application does not
have anything like this.

> The second window uses qt's move call to move the window to another 
> position. But this currently doesn't work.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

Dominik Vogt

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