Hi everyone,

I have a small application launcher written in Qt4/C++ similar to
bashrun. I want to swallow it in a FvwmButton to have a kind of
prompt where I will be able to launch a program, an url, etc.

I'm able to swallow it in my button but I am not able to give it focus.

The config I use:

# taskbar
Style "taskbar" NoTitle, !Handles, Sticky, CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, \
FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable, WindowListSkip, BorderWidth 0

DestroyModuleConfig taskbar: *
*taskbar: Geometry 1920x32+0+1045
*taskbar: Padding 1 1
*taskbar: Colorset 3
*taskbar: Row 2
*taskbar: Columns 192
*taskbar: Frame 0
*taskbar: (5x2, Icon smenu2.png, Action(Mouse 1) `Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Rectangle +$left+$top 0 -100m`)

# >>> This is my application launcher <<<
*taskbar: (53x2, Padding 4 4, Swallow "Hayaku-2" `Exec exec

*taskbar: (14x2, Padding 4 4, Swallow (NoClose,UseOld) "stalonetray"
`/usr/bin/stalonetray 3`)
*taskbar: (53x2, Padding 4 4, Swallow "FvwmPager" `FvwmPager`)
*taskbar: (3x2, Icon menu/player_rew.png, Action(Mouse 1) Exec exec mocp -r)
*taskbar: (3x2, Icon menu/player_play.png, Action(Mouse 1) Exec exec mocp -p)
*taskbar: (3x2, Icon menu/player_stop.png, Action(Mouse 1) Exec exec mocp -s)
*taskbar: (3x2, Icon menu/player_pause.png, Action(Mouse 1) Exec exec mocp -G)
*taskbar: (3x2, Icon menu/player_fwd.png, Action(Mouse 1) Exec exec mocp -f)
*taskbar: (3x2, Icon menu/player_volume.png, Action(Mouse 1) Exec exec
amixer set Front toggle, \
Action(Mouse 4) Exec exec amixer set PCM 5+, \
Action(Mouse 5) Exec exec amixer set PCM 5-)
*taskbar: (3x2, Frame 0, Icon menu/playlist.png, Action(Mouse 1) Exec
exec $[fvwm_music])
*taskbar: (30x2, Padding 4 4, Swallow mocinfo `FvwmScript
$[fvwm_scripts]/mocinfo 3`)
*taskbar: (3x2, Padding 4 4, Swallow show_pcm `FvwmScript
$[fvwm_scripts]/show_pcm 3`)
*taskbar: (12x2, Swallow DigitalClock `FvwmScript
$[fvwm_scripts]/DigitalClock 3`)

Its style:
Style Hayaku-2            NoTitle, WindowListSkip, Borders

I use fvwm 2.5.29.

Thanks for the help.

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