On Tue, Dec 06, 2011 at 01:01:13PM +0100, Axelle Apvrille wrote:
> Hi list,
> On my fvwm background, I have a background image, right? On this
> background image, I'd like to display in a corner a slide show of images.
> Any idea how to do this?
> As a first step, I don't even know how I could add an image on part of
> the root window.
> fvwm-root will change the entire root window, which is not what I am
> looking for.

It's none of those, as it happens.  This also has nothing to do with FVWM,
you realise?

What you're asking for is one of those desktop widget programs, like
adesklets or gdesklets (from Google) which I am sure will be able to do

Instead, what I would do for this is use FvwmButtons.

Give it a colorset using RootTransparent, and whatever else you want.

In the FvwmButtons definition, you should maybe apply a shapemask, it
depends on the effect you're after -- I'm thinking perhaps for rounded
corners?  You'll want to also set:

Style FvwmButtons-Alias !Borders, !Title, NeverFocus

>From this point on, for animated images, you should swallow an application
such as feh to enable random images.  Likewise mplayer for streaming video.

Other options you can investigate is using the "Unmanaged" style option
instead for different applications rather than using FvwmButtons.

Note though this has nothing to do with the root window at all.  It never

-- Thomas Adam

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