| On 30 January 2012 21:28, Chris Siebenmann <c...@cs.toronto.edu> wrote:
| > €Does anyone know if there exists a good command line tool for
| > listing either the window IDs or the window names of all windows
| > of a specific class (or better yet, set of classes)? Or is this
| > something that's better done with an fvwm module written in Perl
| > with fvwm-perllib[*]?
| xwininfo
| xprop
| But why not get FVWM to do it?   No need for a module, just a
| conditional command.
| All (SomeCondition, ClassName, OtherCondition) Echo "$[w.id]: $[w.class]"

 Is there a way to write the output of All to a pipe or the like?

 At this point it might be useful to explain my overall motivation: I
want to put together something that lets me select xterm windows from
the keyboard based on their name, with name completion. My current plan
is to use dmenu for the window name completion (and a script around it
to then act on the window). But for this I need to feed the window names
into dmenu[*].

(A recent display reorganization has moved things so that even the best
position for my usual FvwmIconMan is a bit far from things.)

 It's possible that there's a better way to achieve this overall goal,
but I think the time that I asked about the overall goal this was the
best way in the current fvwm.

        - cks
[*: dealing with duplicated window names is my problem; the code doesn't
    have to worry about it.]

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