On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 03:30:47PM -0700, elliot s wrote:
> On 5/19/12, Thomas Adam <tho...@fvwm.org> wrote:
> > On 19 May 2012 22:28, elliot s <elliot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> I'd like to have one desktop per monitor (ie an independent "pager"
> >> per monitor) with the ability to move or extend windows across the
> >> monitors.  Basically, a double wide page, where each "pager" controls
> >> the windows with their (0,0) on that page half. Having the page button
> >> show the icon of the last focused window would be nice, if possible.
> >
> > Not possible without Xinerama and even then, you're encroaching on
> > per-desktop support which isn't possible yet.
> >
> >> I assume the pagers could be faked by fvwmbuttons and scripting.
> >> Has anyone already done that?
> >
> > The only thing you can do is use FvwmEvent to hold different pagers
> > for each *desk* -- and make them stickyacrosspages for that desk,
> > killing the other pagers as you move between desks.
> >
> > I don't know if this is what you're asking or not.  But likely what
> > you're asking isn't possible yet, and no amount of scripting is going
> > to help you.
> >
> > -- Thomas Adam
> I'm figuring on having a backing desktop that holds the windows that
> live soley on the right hand side of the page, and a variable holding
> the value of the current right hand page. When i press a page
> fvwmbutton, it moves all of the current right hand windows to the
> backing desk, page <variable> and moves to current desk the windows of
> the new page from the backing desk.  Pressing the real pager operating
> the left hand page moves all of the right hand current windows to the
> current left hand page. I dont want to use sticky style so as not to
> lose which right hand windows are truly sticky.

You're mixing so many different words with defined meaning to FVWM, I
cannot understand you.

Restate your question, and forget FVWM is even involved.  If you can do
that, then I can put a better answer to you.

-- Thomas Adam

"Deep in my heart I wish I was wrong.  But deep in my heart I know I am
not." -- Morrissey ("Girl Least Likely To" -- off of Viva Hate.)

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