Hi Tom,

What sort of issues are you having? I'm getting my first Edge box on Friday
to mess around with. If you check Nokia's KB and search on "HFA" you'll see
they have the release notes posted for HFA 05 & 06. I think there were a few
Edge fixes in HFA05 as well.

Based solely on my reading, you need to be using a Simplified policy and
msut use certificate authentication.

I've got SmartCenter Pro and just got SmartLSM fired up today. Are you using


Reply-To: Mailing list for discussion of Firewall-1
Subject: [FW-1] VPN-1 Edge device
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 18:35:51 -0400

I have been trying to get a VPN edge device to work in our lab with little
to no success. I am wondering if there is any white papers out there that
might help me get this working.

I have a Provider-1 install R-55 HP4
Nokia IP-530 R55 HP4

Thank You for any help in this.


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