Well it is really unfortunate that you worked for an organization that allowed employess to conduct themselves in that manner.  My experience has been different.  I have found the ethical hackers to be professional, competent and above all ethical.  However, what you are saying is that we should reward these ex-hackers who we know to have committed an unethical and criminal act.  All things considered, I will take my chances with with the evil I know.

Final response




I disagree with your statement. I think there are many ex-hackers or
hackers elite that have gained recognition that they would be a
considerable asset during a penetration study.. Price Waterhouse, Coopers
now PWC , Ernst & Young created their whole business model and selling
methodology preying on the fact that Fortune 500 companies cringe at the
thought of hiring ex-hackers to conduct a intrusion test. The fact of the
matter is that "ethical" hackers are no better than ex-chackers. The
definition of an "ethical" hacker has been written about over ad over
again. For a really great definition of what a hacker is: check out the
www.atstake.com FAQ. They have put together a very simple explanation of
what a hacker is and why they deem it such.

Hiring a Big Six firm to conduct an intrusion study or a Internet
footpr! int analysis in my mind is much more dangerous than hiring
ex-hackers, probably because I worked for one a while back and thought
their methodology/approach and deliverable was pretty much vapor (lots of
smoke and mirrors) and no real value.
The secret to a successful security assessment is not to point out the
various different ways one can gain access to a particular organization
but how to state recommendations that are specific to the organization on
improving their security posture.

Since my departure from the Big Six world, I have yet to see any
improvements in their methodology, and I have seen severe plagiarism from
PWC to E&Y and other non ethical behavior that tend to make hiring an
ex-hacker a much more pleasurable endeavor, since it is a one time thing.
Hiring a Big Six firm to conduct a penetration analysis is like swimming
with piranha.


06/19/00 12:26 AM

Subject: Re: [FW1] Issues in hiring a company that employs ex-hackers or current

I consider this to be a bad practice when there is enough ethical hackers
out there who can do the job with much less worry.



We are looking to have a penetration test done on our infrastructure, this
includes the firewall, servers, etc.

Are there any issues I should be concerned with in hiring a company that
employs ex-hackers or current hackers?



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