This was a problem with previous versions of FireWall-1 running
on the Nokia platform. If I remember correctly, this has been fixed since
4.0 SP4.

Alternatively, try the following:

fw kill fwd
rm $FWDIR/log/fw.logtrack
fwd [-n]

This should be done on the management module host, so the -n
parameter is relevant to the running of fwd on such a host. This parameter
configures fwd to not try to bind to /dev/fw0, the device into the kernel

--- Jerald Josephs

----- Original Message -----
From: "hermit1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 7:53 AM
Subject: [FW1] Nokia interface names

> I have a pair of Nokias in operation (VRRP, 2 quad ethernet cards each)
> the interface column of the log occasionally shows if6 or if10 in place of
> the interface name which should be eth-s1p1c0 or similar format.  Can
> anyone tell me why, and what it means?
> Thanks,
> hermit1
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