> All issues raised are addressed, except "Zend::registry()" vs.
> "Zend_Registry::getInstance()".
> What if "Zend_Registry::getRegistry()" was an alias of
> "Zend_Registry::getInstance()"?
> Then the user doesn't need to know or understand the connotations of
> getInstance().

Perhaps we can also provide aliases for
Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance() (getController()) and
Zend_Auth::getInstance() (getAuth()).

That's sarcasm, but I'm not trying to be rude.  :-)  It just feels like
there's a line between ease of use and treating users like children, and
it's crossed at the point when it obfuscates the API for knowledgeable
users--in this case, those that would immediately understand what
getInstance() refers to, but might see examples using getRegistry() and be
confused as to the difference.

Instead of dumbing down the API, why not encourage users to learn about
these concepts?  If one of the goals of the project is raising the overall
level of the PHP community (which isn't explicitly stated, but which I
feel is implied), hiding these concepts from novice users is not the way
to go about it.

Perhaps the manual can have a short section on design patterns, with
overviews of those found in the framework.  Each component could then link
to the ones they use, to help facilitate this educational process.


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