On Fri, March 30, 2007 4:07 am, Rob Allen wrote:
> Matthew Ratzloff wrote:
>> A better solution would be to rename Zend_Config to Zend_Config_Array,
>> which is a better description of what it does.  Then make Zend_Config a
>> top-level configuration loading class that auto-detects the appropriate
>> adapter for any given file based on extension, loads all files in a
>> given
>> set of directories, and merges them as necessary.
> What you are calling Zend_Config, I would call Zend_Config_Loader. The
> principle is fine though.

Right, but it seems like the relationships are a little strange in that case.

A. Zend_Config parses an array of configuration data.  Zend_Config_Ini
parses Ini and Zend_Config_Xml parses XML, and both extend Zend_Config. 
Zend_Config_Loader handles file loading and auto-detection and will become
the primary method of loading more than one file.  And this is in a

B. Zend_Config_Array parses an array of configuration data. 
Zend_Config_Ini parses Ini and Zend_Config_Xml parses XML, and both extend
Zend_Config_Array (since ultimately they are converting the specialized
format into an array).  Now Zend_Config is the primary, top-level class
that everyone refers to to load more than one configuration file in the
Zend_Config_* space, which ultimatly also includes things like
Zend_Config_Yaml and others.

Option B just seems more clean to me.


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