that is a javascript specific problem. If you load stuff via XHR
you have to reattach all the events to it, because they have not been 

all the content inside the loaded div has not been "dojo eventized" lets call 
it, so no javascript is happening there. you have to reattach all events to 
that specific elements.


On Thursday 08 January 2009 12:22:31 Mustafa A. Hashmi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am in the process of switching our application to make use of dojo
> forms, however, am having some issues with forms which are rendered
> via xhr requests. In a nutshell:
> a) Layout is rendered and the index action renders a dojo form which
> works perfectly fine.
> b) After submitting the form, the user manually follows a link which
> calls a JS function and loads the required action template in a
> specified div.
> c) The loaded dojo form in the resulting div however doesn't seem to
> be 'dojo enabled'. The form does render, albeit without any styles or
> dijit functionality.
> Please note: initialization of application is based on Matthew Weier
> O'Phinney's excellent pastebin app.
> I pasted the relevant sections @:
> The entire application source can be viewed at:
>  (please
> see the 'installer' module).
> Also: I had made quite a few attempts to selectively load the required
> dojo modules (with dojo.addOnLoad), but for some reason I am not
> getting it right. I am also confused about setting dojo to
> "declarative" mode in the view template when we have already done so
> in the predispatch action...
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> --
> Mustafa A. Hashmi

Benjamin Eberlei

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