there is no difference. they both do the same, the first method 
"setEncodingOfHeaders" is marked @deprecated. It sadly got into a 1.7 release, 
but is not following the consistent naming schema of ZF.

It will be removed in 2.0. So you should really just only use 

On Thursday 09 April 2009 12:51:43 debussy007 wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the difference between:
> Zend_Mail  setEncodingOfHeaders  (string $encoding)
> Zend_Mail  setHeaderEncoding  (string $encoding)
> Both methods are defined in the Zend_Mail class.
> And what should the string be ?
> "utf8" / "utf-8" / "UTF8" / "UTF-8" / ...
> And finally third and last question, is it a good idea to encode mail
> headers in utf8 ? Do all mail boxes support this encoding ?
> Thank you for any help !

Benjamin Eberlei

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