Great. Any place where we can see full list, and bugs fixed?

Saša Stamenković

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney

> The Zend Framework team announces the immediate availability of a preview
> release of version 1.9.0:
> Note that because these packages are <em>not</em> stable, they will not be
> found on the CDN; please scroll to the bottom of the above page
> to
> find links to this release.
> This preview release showcases many of the new features that will be
> available in the upcoming stable release:
>  * Zend_Rest_Route, Zend_Rest_Controller, and
>   Zend_Controller_Plugin_PutHandler, which aid in providing RESTful
>   resources via the MVC layer.
>  * Zend_Feed_Reader, which provides a common API to RSS and Atom feeds,
>   as well as extensions to each format, caching, and a slew of other
>   functionality.
>  * Zend_Queue and Zend_Service_Amazon_Sqs, which provide the ability to
>   use local and remote messaging and queue services for offloading
>   asynchronous processes.
>  * Zend_Db_Table updates to allow using Zend_Db_Table as a concrete
>   class by passing it one or more table definitions via the
>   constructor.
>  * Annotation processing support for Zend_Pdf, as well as performance
>   improvements.
>  * Zend_Dojo custom build layer support.
>  * Numerous Zend_Ldap improvements.
>  * Zend_Log_Writer_Syslog, a Zend_Log writer for writing to your system
>   log.
>  * Several new view helpers, including Zend_View_Helper_BaseUrl.
> The 1.9.0 release is shaping up quickly, and we expect to launch a beta
> late next week, with a stable release a week or so later.
> Again, this is a preview release; do not use it in production
> environments.  Do, however, test it thoroughly and let us know what is
> and is not working for you so we can deliver a solid release with 1.9.0!
> --
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> Project Lead            |
> Zend Framework          |

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