hello hector,

you can use Zend_Test_DbAdapter, which is a testing adapter that does not 
connect to the database.


On Wednesday 19 August 2009 06:50:52 pm Hector Virgen wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently working on an older project that is not in ZF, but I'd like
> to use Zend_Db_Select to help me build some complex select queries. I don't
> want to open a new connection to the database since this application
> already has one open using good ol' mysql_connect().
> My question is, since Zend_Db uses lazy-loading to create the actual
> connection, would it be safe to create a "dummy" Zend_Db object to build my
> selects with?
> $db = Zend_Db::factory('Pdo_Mysql', array(
>     'host' => '',
>     'username' => 'fakeuser',
>     'password' => 'fakepassword',
>     'dbname' => 'mydefaultdb'
> ));
> $select = $db->select()
> ->from('users');
> $sql = $select->toString();
> *echo $sql; // this works and outputs SELECT * FROM `users`*
> $select = $db->select()
> ->from('users')
> *->where('username = ?', 'test'); // throws exception: SQLSTATE[HY000]
> [2013] Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication
> packet', system error: 111*
> It seems that quoteInto() is attempting to connect to the database. Is this
> necessary? Is there a way to stub in a fake database connection in order to
> use Zend_Db_Select?
> --
> Hector

Benjamin Eberlei

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