Nice work ;)

Saša Stamenković

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Kyle Spraggs <> wrote:

>  I wasn't quite sure which category to post this in but went with the
> "general" topic. If this is incorrect please correct me and I'll move it to
> the appropriate category.
> Finding a Calendar
> I ran into a situation this weekend where I needed a calendar for the Zend
> Framework. I spent an hour or so searching but couldn’t find anything that
> fit my tastes so I made my own. My calendar uses Zend_Date and Zend_Locale
> and is truly Zendy (new word?). It uses renderers to generate the calendar
> and comes with the default renderer of ZendView.
>  Features
>    - Completely integrated as a library package for Zend Framework.
>    - Utilizes Zend_Date and Zend_Locale provided by the Zend Framework.
>    - Rendered using different adapters (ships with Zend_View and a view
>    script).
>    - Support for adding events/appointments (defaults are Table and Array
>    but could easily be expanded for others such as JSON/Google Calendar)
>     - Easily AJAXified
> More information can be found at I'm finishing up
> a few features before I post a download but I would love to hear the
> communities thoughts and needs before releasing the initial version.
> P.S. I noticed that my previous email was sent using the wrong SMTP account
> and may not get posted so I'm resending from the proper account. My
> apologies if the mail is posted twice.
> --
> Kyle Spraggs (SpiffyJr)

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