Good one Hector, thanks.

Saša Stamenković

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Hector Virgen <> wrote:

> I can't agree with the "expensive process" reasoning. Generally, the values
> of the enums will not change unless a new feature is rolled out that needs a
> new enum value or if the table gets restructured completely. In most tables,
> neither of the above scenarios take place very often (if at all).
> That's like saying "adding an index is an expensive process so don't do
> it".
> There are some benefits to enums:
>    - Enforcement of accepted values at the db level. This is useful for
>    "status" enums like pending, approved, rejected, denied.
>    - Enums are ordered by their index, not their string value. So sorting
>    by status would return rows that are pending, followed by approved,
>    rejected, and then denied. You can use this order to easily create 
> paginated
>    lists ordered in a way that is meaningful to the user.
> When it comes to translating the enum strings to human-readable labels, you
> can store the labels in your DbTable class for that table. If the labels are
> static, it shouldn't be a problem to add a static method to the DbTable that
> accepts the enum string and returns the label (wihout HTML).
> $row = $table->find(1)->current();
> $label = $table->getStatusLabel($row->status);
> // or
> $label = MyTable::getStatusLabel($row->status);
> A class constant isn't suggested because it can be difficult to access that
> constant with a variable. For example:
> $row = $table->find(1)->current();
> $row->status; // 'approved'
> echo MyTable::$row->status; // I don't think this works.
> --
> Hector
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:06 AM, Саша Стаменковић <>wrote:
>> Didn't know that really. I'm working on pretty large project and there are
>> enums all over tables, works fine. Will check ;)
>> Regards,
>> Saša Stamenković
>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 1:04 PM, till <> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Саша Стаменковић <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > You mean dynamic modeling (DESCRIBE TABLE and load in PHP), no need, I
>>> think
>>> > I'll just have class with constants and one method to return them as
>>> array
>>> > (using reflection) and thats it. Not really an enum, but will do the
>>> job.
>>> >
>>> > Regards,
>>> > Saša Stamenković
>>> No, I meant, changing the ENUM - e.g. adding a value to it - is
>>> expensive.
>>> Zend_Db_Table does a DESCRIBE TABLE anyway, so you can use the data
>>> and if you apply the meta cache, it's even faster.
>>> Till

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