Persistent properties for filenames if they deviate from the default filename 
would be really awesome. Otherwise its nearly impossible to build a custom 
project profile.

Additionally there should be additional basic types like "Directory", 
"PhpFile", "OtherFile" which can be used as placeholders for non-application 
critical resources that need representation though.


On Monday 02 November 2009 04:56:08 pm Ralph Schindler wrote:
> I am tackling several of these features now, in preparation for the 1.10
> release (this code is and will be in the incubator.)
> > Can anyone elaborate on the .zf.ini properties that are respected or what
> > one needs to do to set up custom profiles?
> Custom profiles are pretty much completely, they mostly need
> documenting.  Overall, the docs need to be better organized. Currently
> if you put a project file in your storage directory at (for example):
> .zf/project/profiles/custom.xml
> Then with 1.10 zf client, you'll be able to use it like
> zf create project -n custom ./directory
> This works on my system, but needs to be more throughly tested.
> > Ultimately id like to change the project layout a bit. But for now ill
> > settle for enabling certian things. For example these are the key things
> > i want by default in every project:
> >
> > - Config file format should be XML not INI
> > - Data dir with log, cache, and uploads
> > - Public dir with images, js, css
> >
> > It seems like all this is doable with jsut certain attribs set on the
> > .zfproject.xml and pointing to that xml in the .zf.ini but i cant seem to
> > get it to work.
> These types of things can definitely be handled by a custom profile.  TO
> that though, there are probably a few places where having attributes
> persist into the context object make sense (this would make it easier to
> customize things like the name of a directory or file).
> I'll keep you updated via the mailing list on the new features I'll be
> pushing out this week.
> -ralph

Benjamin Eberlei

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