Hello everyone,

I completed a first version of Zend + Doctrine 1 integration today and

want to share it with all you. Since currently the status on a 1.11

release is unclear I

contacted all the contributors to various Doctrine-related components

and combined them into a single release and wrote some documentation on

all the different parts and how they relate to each other.


The code is under the New BSD License. There is a comprehensive getting

started guide

shipped with the Github Project.

The following parts are included in this release:

* Application Resource contributed by Matt Lurz

* Dynamic Form Generation contributed by Jani Hartikainen

* Paginator Adapter contributed by Matt Lurz and Juozas Kaziukenas

* Zend Tool Provider and modular Zend Project Style Support

Thanks to all the contributors and various other people that contributed

ideas and code.

For any feedback regarding this integration, you can use

the issue tracker on Github.

This release depends on Doctrine 1.2.2 to allow model code-generation

from YAML files that supports Zend Framework Modular projects and their

directory structure.

Most of the current glue code out there is made obsolete by generating

Models that follow the Zend Framework naming conventions, into Zend

Framework models/ directories. Additionally there is also support for

modular applications whose model classes should follow the PEAR naming


Additionally the dynamic form support allows to create simple forms that

allow to create and edit Doctrine_Record instances and their relations. 

This is a great help to rapidly prototype admin forms (however support

for more complex forms is not yet included).

Since both projects are currently very focused on their 2.0 releases,

this release aims to glue all the existing code for Doctrine 1.x and

Zend Framework integration 1.x together, giving them a platform to




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