eAccelator optimizes doc block comments away, making usage of Autodiscover


if you don't generate the WSDL files statically before deployment.

On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 09:51:25 -0400, robert mena <robert.m...@gmail.com>


> Hi,


> I ma facing the same problem (all my calls return null) and I am using

> e-accelerator.   While changing to APC is possibile I can't do it right

> now.


> Is there any workaround? I've disabled the cache of wsdl in ini and


> the /tmp/wsdl-* cache file.


> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 9:08 AM, Andrew Ballard <aball...@gmail.com>



>> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 3:49 AM, Benjamin Eberlei <kont...@beberlei.de>

>> wrote:

>> >

>> > Hello Andrew,

>> >

>> > what kind of op-code cache are you using? I have heard from people


>> > this what you are describing is happening with e-accelerator,

>> > personally

>> > I never had a problem with APC.


>> We are using eAccelerator on that (development) system. The answer hit

>> me during lunch as I was mulling around how it was possible that two

>> identical calls to the exact same functions could produce different

>> results. Thinking about what could possibly be different from one

>> request to another, it occurred to me that it had to be the caching.


>> The production servers are using the Wincache extension, so I don't

>> know how it might impact them.


>> > However I should really update the documentation, the WSDL is not

>> > something

>> > to be generated dynamically upon each request, static serving is much

>> > better (of course if you keep it in sync with your real server

>> > implementation).


>> I figure when this hits production I'll probably switch to a static

>> document, but this was my first look at SOAP and I just wanted to see

>> how it would fit into a project I'm developing right now. Auto

>> discovery was ideal because it allowed me to experiment easily with

>> creating different functions with different parameters and return

>> types.


>> Andrew


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