According to <URL:>:
VIER and NEUN represent 4-digit squares, each letter denoting a
distinct digit. You are asked to find the value of each, given the
further requirement that each uniquely determines the other.
Here's a solution from map/grep Hell:
#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
# VIER/NEUN problem
use strict;
use POSIX qw/ ceil floor /;
my $expr = qr/
(.) # V
((?!\1) .) # I
((?!\1|\2) .) # E
((?!\1|\2|\3) .) # R
((?!\1|\2|\3|\4) .) # N
\3 # E
((?!\1|\2|\3|\4|\5) .) # U
\5 # N
my $lo = ceil sqrt 1000;
my $hi = floor sqrt 9999;
my %seen;
$" = '';
my @list = map { $_->[0] }
grep { $_->[1] == 2 }
map { [ $_, $seen{$_->[0]} + $seen{$_->[1]} ] }
grep { ++$seen{$_->[0]} && ++$seen{$_->[1]} }
grep { "@{$_}[0,1]" =~ /$expr/ }
map { $% = $_; map { [ $_ * $_, $% ] } $lo .. $hi }
grep { /^(.)..\1$/ }
map { $_ * $_ }
$lo .. $hi;
if (@list != 1) {
$_ = @list;
warn "$0: expected one result, got $_:\n";
for (@list) {
print "VIER = $_->[0], NEUN = $_->[1]\n";
my($soln) = @list;
print "VIER = $soln->[0], NEUN = $soln->[1]\n";