Thank you.
And you also use  ("  ")  instead of  /    / 
Which makes people scratch their heads 
trying to match the quotes and braces.

''=~/(?{print "hello1\n";})/;
''=~("(?{print \"hello2\n\";})");
''=~("(?{print 'hello3\n';})");

Warmest Regards
Lev Selector
New York,  t. 212-902-3040

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald J Kimball [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 12:38 PM
To: Selector, Lev Y
Subject: Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers

On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 12:25:42PM -0400, Selector, Lev Y wrote:
> Ronald,
> Thank you.
> This was good.
> Here how it was done, right?
> ==========================================================
> $s1 = '}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"';
> $s2 = '/-  +   *,+ <  + :- /:-   << :-  @';
> $s3 = '  ``   @     `` `   @  ` `  `   ';
> $s4 = $s1 & ~$s2 | $s3;
> print "$s4\n";

Almost.  The last step is actually

eval $s4;

I'm using the (?{}) regex syntax, as Abigail and Japhy did earlier, which
evaluates the contents of the braces as Perl code.  In order for this to
work without use re 'eval' or equivalent, the contents of the braces have
to be known at compile time.


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