Keith C. Ivey wrote:
> I'm not unhappy, but it seems an unnecessary restriction.  An 
> alternative would be to change GolfScore() to something like
> sub GolfScore {
>    my $script = shift;
>    open(FF, $script) or die "error: open '$script'";
>    local($/, $_);
>    $_ = <FF>;
>    close(FF);
>    s/^#!.*?perl(.*)\n/$1/; # remove shebang except parameters
>    s/\n$//; # delete final newline in file
>    return length;
> }

Yes, I think that function is better than mine and I suggest
that it be used in the next (Easter?) Apocalypse to be run
by Eugene the Arbiter;-).

A quality test program is vital to a successful game.
Ideally, you would like to just say: "If it passes the test
program, it is OK". I could even envisage a 100% automated
system where you would not need a human arbiter at all.

I think it is also crucial to have a level-playing field for
all competitors. Part of that is to change as little as
possible after announcing the game; that is why I have
not rushed any changes to, just tried to clarify
the semantics with workarounds. Anyway, I have just plugged
a couple of the more glaring holes in (without
changing the semantics of the game).

1) I said all along that you cannot write to stderr.
   The only reason it was not enforced is that I could not
   figure out how to test for that under Windows 98.
   I have just changed:
     my $cmd = "perl $scr $intmp";
     # Remove ' 2>err.tmp' in next line for Windows 95/98.
     my $cmd = "perl $scr $intmp 2>err.tmp";
   then added:
     -s 'err.tmp' and die "oops, you wrote to stderr (see err.tmp)\n";
   in CheckOne().

2. I have added some code to enforce that source code is on
   a single line.
     sub CheckSingleLine {
       my $script = shift;
       local $/ = undef;
       open(FF, $script) or die "error: open '$script'";
       my $x = <FF>;
       my $nlines = $x =~ tr/\n//;
       --$nlines if $x =~ /^#!.*?perl/;
       $nlines > 1 and die "$script: source on single line please\n";
   plus a new and improved PrintGolfScore() function:
     sub PrintGolfScore {
        my @scr = @_;
        my $tot = 0;
        for my $s (@scr) {
           my $g = GolfScore($s);
           print "$s: $g\n";
           $tot += $g;
        print "You shot a round of $tot strokes.\n";
   Apart from enforcing the single line rule, this conveniently
   prints your score on each hole.

The new is embedded below.


# Santa Claus golf game test program.
use strict;

sub GolfScore {
   my $script = shift;
   open(FF, $script) or die "error: open '$script'";
   my $golf = 0;
   while (<FF>) {
      chomp; next unless length;
      s/^#!.*?perl// if $. == 1;
      $golf += length;
   return $golf;

sub CheckSingleLine {
   my $script = shift;
   local $/ = undef;
   open(FF, $script) or die "error: open '$script'";
   my $x = <FF>;
   my $nlines = $x =~ tr/\n//;
   --$nlines if $x =~ /^#!.*?perl/;
   $nlines > 1 and die "$script: source on single line please\n";

sub PrintGolfScore {
   my @scr = @_;
   my $tot = 0;
   for my $s (@scr) {
      my $g = GolfScore($s);
      print "$s: $g\n";
      $tot += $g;
   print "You shot a round of $tot strokes.\n";

sub BuildFile {
   my ($fname, $data) = @_;
   open(FF, '>'.$fname) or die "error: open '$fname'";
   print FF $data;

sub CheckOne {
   my ($scr, $label, $data, $exp) = @_;
   my $intmp  = 'in.tmp';
   BuildFile($intmp, $data);
   # Remove ' 2>err.tmp' in next line for Windows 95/98.
   my $cmd = "perl $scr $intmp 2>err.tmp";
   print "$label: running: '$cmd'...";
   my $out = `$cmd`; my $rc = $? >> 8;
   print "done (rc=$rc).\n";
   -s 'err.tmp' and die "oops, you wrote to stderr (see err.tmp)\n";
   if ($out ne $exp) {
      warn "Expected:\n"; print STDERR $exp;
      warn "Got:\n"; print STDERR $out;
      die "Oops, you failed.\n";

# -----------------------------------------------------

my $file1 = <<'GROK';
1st line

my $file2 = <<'GROK';
1st line
2nd line

my $file3 = <<'GROK';
1st line
2nd line
3rd line

my $file4 = <<'GROK';
1st line
2nd line
3rd line
4th line

my $file12 = <<'GROK';
1st line
2nd line
3rd line
4th line
5th line
6th line
7th line
8th line
9th line
10th line
11th line
12th line

my $file21 = <<'GROK';
1st line
2nd line
3rd line
4th line
5th line
6th line
7th line
8th line
9th line
10th line
11th line
12th line


# -----------------------------------------------------

sub CheckHead {
   my ($scr) = @_;
   my @tt = (
      [ 'file1',  $file1,  "1st line\n" ],
      [ 'file2',  $file2,  "1st line\n2nd line\n" ],
      [ 'file3',  $file3,  "1st line\n2nd line\n3rd line\n" ],
      [ 'file12', $file12,
        "1st line\n2nd line\n3rd line\n4th line\n5th line\n".
        "6th line\n7th line\n8th line\n9th line\n10th line\n" ],
   for my $r (@tt) { CheckOne($scr, $r->[0], $r->[1], $r->[2]) }

sub CheckTail {
   my ($scr) = @_;
   my @tt = (
      [ 'file1',  $file1,  "1st line\n" ],
      [ 'file2',  $file2,  "1st line\n2nd line\n" ],
      [ 'file3',  $file3,  "1st line\n2nd line\n3rd line\n" ],
      [ 'file12', $file12,
        "3rd line\n4th line\n5th line\n6th line\n7th line\n".
        "8th line\n9th line\n10th line\n11th line\n12th line\n" ],
      [ 'file21', $file21, "12th line\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ],
   for my $r (@tt) { CheckOne($scr, $r->[0], $r->[1], $r->[2]) }

sub CheckRev {
   my ($scr) = @_;
   my @tt = (
      [ 'file1',  $file1,  "1st line\n" ],
      [ 'file2',  $file2,  "2nd line\n1st line\n" ],
      [ 'file3',  $file3,  "3rd line\n2nd line\n1st line\n" ],
      [ 'file21', $file21,
        "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12th line\n11th line\n10th line\n".
        "9th line\n8th line\n7th line\n6th line\n5th line\n".
        "4th line\n3rd line\n2nd line\n1st line\n" ],
   for my $r (@tt) { CheckOne($scr, $r->[0], $r->[1], $r->[2]) }

sub CheckMid {
   my ($scr) = @_;
   my @tt = (
      [ 'file1',  $file1,  "1st line\n" ],
      [ 'file2',  $file2,  "1st line\n2nd line\n" ],
      [ 'file3',  $file3,  "2nd line\n" ],
      [ 'file4',  $file4,  "2nd line\n3rd line\n" ],
      [ 'file12', $file12, "6th line\n7th line\n" ],
      [ 'file21', $file21, "11th line\n" ],
   for my $r (@tt) { CheckOne($scr, $r->[0], $r->[1], $r->[2]) }

sub CheckWc {
   my ($scr) = @_;
   my @tt = (
      [ 'file1',  $file1,  "0000000001\n" ],
      [ 'file2',  $file2,  "0000000002\n" ],
      [ 'file3',  $file3,  "0000000003\n" ],
      [ 'file4',  $file4,  "0000000004\n" ],
      [ 'file12', $file12, "0000000012\n" ],
      [ 'file21', $file21, "0000000021\n" ],
   for my $r (@tt) { CheckOne($scr, $r->[0], $r->[1], $r->[2]) }

# -----------------------------------------------------

my $head = '';
my $tail = '';
my $rev  = '';
my $mid  = '';
my $wc   = '';
select(STDERR);$|=1;select(STDOUT);$|=1;  # auto-flush
-f $head or die "error: file '$head' not found.\n";
-f $tail or die "error: file '$tail' not found.\n";
-f $rev  or die "error: file '$rev' not found.\n";
-f $mid  or die "error: file '$mid' not found.\n";
-f $wc   or die "error: file '$wc' not found.\n";
PrintGolfScore($head, $tail, $rev, $mid, $wc);
PrintGolfScore($head, $tail, $rev, $mid, $wc);
print "Hooray, you passed.\n";

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