In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Eugene van der Pijll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> En op 08 maart 2002 sprak Marcelo E. Magallon:
>>  At some point I kept thinking about this in terms
>>  of abcd -> abbccd -> xyz, where x=f(ab) and so on.
> Me too. Did anyone else notice this:
> ~$ perl -le'$_="abcd";$,=",";print unpack"A2XA2XA2X",$_'
> ab,bc,cd
> However, I couldn't make anything out of this that was shorter than,
> say, 70 chars.
> Eugene

Also fun is this:

perl -wle '$_="abcde"; pos=1; print $& while /.\G./g'

But I could build nothing useful with that (s/// does not restart)

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