On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 06:43:26PM +0200, Gaal Yahas wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 11:09:29AM -0500, Andrew Pimlott wrote:
> > I like to use symbolic constants.  Wha can remember what all those
> > 1, 0, undef, and ''s mean anyway?  So I start off all my programs
> > with
> > 
> >     use constant FALSE => !TRUE;
> >     use constant TRUE => !FALSE;
> I start off all my programs with use strict :-)
> But more to the point, how do you use your TRUE and FALSE? Suppose you
> want to test the return value of this sub:
> sub returns_a_true_value { 8.2 }
> Would you do "if (returns_a_true_value() eq TRUE)"? "== TRUE"?
> Neither would work, and you can just do "if (returns_a_true_value())"
> directly anyway.

Not a problem for the Fun With Perl mailinglist, is it?

    if (returns_a_true_value () xor FALSE) {
        print "It returned true.\n";


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