Hi Uri!

On 07 Jan 08 at 23:06, "Uri" (Uri Guttman) wrote:

 Uri> ^([Pp]([Oo][Ss][Tt])?[.\s]*[Oo]([Ff][Ff][Ii][Cc][Ee])?[.\s]*[Bb][Oo]
 Uri> [Xx])|[Pp][Oo]([Bb]|[Xx]|[Dd][Rr][Aa][Ww][Ee][Rr]|[Ss][Tt][Oo][Ff][Ff]
 Uri> [Ii][Cc][Ee]|[
 Uri> ][Bb][Xx]|[Bb][Oo][Xx])|[Pp][/][Oo]|[Bb]([Xx]|[Oo][Xx]|
 Uri> [Uu][Zz][Oo][Nn])|[Aa]([Pp][Aa][Rr][Tt][Aa][Dd][Oo]|[Pp][Tt][Dd][Oo])

I've observed this pattern in FreeBSD startup (shell) scripts. 
I do realize that shell is not perl, but nevertheless the style
still baffles me, I cannot decide whether this is extraordinary 
stupidity or extraordinary wisdom :) 
F.ex., /etc/rc.firewall on 6.2-stable has this:

case ${firewall_type} in
        case ${natd_enable} in

        Dmitry Karasik

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