On 9/25/08, Eirik Berg Hanssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  print <<STR;
>  I like @{
>      my $rand = rand();
>      [$rand < 0.5 ? 'pie' : 'beer']
>  }
>  STR
>   You already have a block; no need for a do-block within it.
>   (The rest, others already covered.)

the "fun with perl" mailing list doesn't still exist, does it?

there's also

        my $BeerOrPie;
        sub BeerOrPie::TIESCALAR { bless \(my $x), 'BeerOrPie' };
        sub BeerOrPie::FETCH { rand() < 0.5 ? 'pie' : 'beer'; };
        tie $BeerOrPie, 'BeerOrPie';
        print "I like $BeerOrPie\n";

"checks and balances" is not financial jargon

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