On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Doug Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking for database or spreadsheet software with very good
> report writing capabilities.  I need to be able to print a strip of
> address labels for my mail case (I'm a rural mail carrier).  I
> presently use a word processor, but making changes is very difficult
> when I need to insert a new address into the mix.  A database program
> would be ideal if I could use the report writing function to create
> the labels.  I use the 8.5"x11" solid white label sheets and then cut
> the strips and affix them to the case.  The post office is supposed
> to provide labels for our cases, but they can't get them to print the
> way I need them either!  If anyone has a suggestion I'll be happy to
> hear it.
> Just a message from Doug...

versiontracker.com probably has many to choose from. For OS X and Mac OS.

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