On 9/13/08 11:18 AM, insightinmind of [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent

> I've got some bad RAM somewhere in one of my Macs ... what is the state
> of the art in locating it?
> OS X or OS 9?
> Rember? other?
> Be nice to have an app say Memory Stick in RAM Slot 2 is returning
> inconsistent R/W results ...
> something like that ...
> or is 50:50 and/or random style removal / replacement, then continue to
> run and see if kernal panics or App Crashes continue ...  the next best
> way?
> Bill Connelly
> Musician and Painter
> artsite: http://mysite.verizon.net/moonstoneartstudio/
> myspace.com:  http://www.myspace.com/moonstoneartstudio

Hi Bill,
To this day, I still like the old sure-fire method. Presuming that each
individual RAM module is sufficient to mount the OS, then - strip the Ram
sticks down to one-at-a-time, and boot up. If it's bad, you'll know!
If it does by chance boot and you are still suspicious, I have also tried
this: (again, presuming your RAM sticks are sufficient to mount the OS). Try
installing OS X on a small HD with the one RAM stick in place - an
"improper" (as in failed) install will always be the result with bad RAM. I
know, it takes a while, but at least you'll know for sure.
I too would be interested in a utility that gave one an iron-clad, reliable
report on your RAM. I do know that Tech Tool Pro is NOT that utility (i.e.,
their tech support has reported to me that a "good RAM report" from a TTP
diagnostic is not a guarantee that the RAM is indeed not bad).

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