On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 6:57 PM, Bruce Johnson
> A faculty member here upgraded to Leopard some time back, I kept
> nagging him about setting up a Time Machine volume.
> Well, a couple weeks ago his drive started acting funky, and a quick
> trip to Disk Utility revealed SMART failures.
> He ran right out and got a big external drive, fired up TM and backed
> his system up.
> Well the replacement drive came in today, he popped it in, booted from
> the 10.5 DVD, and restored the entire thing from his TM volume, took
> about 2 hours all told.

Time Machine Rules! Saved my bacon when a catastrophic hard drive
failure happened recently in my 17" MacBook Pro. Didn't lose a thing!

Also gave me an excuse to upgrade to a 500gb drive. <g>


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