At 5:30 PM -0600 10/8/2008, Stephen Conrad wrote:
>Well, I looked in one of their emails and it said to assure delivery:
>Beliefnet would like to ensure that you are receiving your newsletter
>subscription in your inbox.
>  Please add [EMAIL PROTECTED] into your address book.
>I did this. It doesn't help.

Did this WHERE and HOW?  In GMail's web interface or in your regular 
Mail client?

Today's update...

I received three emails from Beliefnet.  All three were moved to the 
Spam box by GMail.  So I have now created a filter in GMail to NOT 
move Beliefnet items to the Spam box.  We'll see if that works tonite.

WRT why it didn't pay attention to my marking it as not spam 
yesterday... I contacted one of the google bloggers that seems to 
know his stuff.  He looked at the Chicken Soup email and said getting 
it to pass the automatic spam filters is going to be VERY difficult. 
He cited two main reasons:  1) The s:n ratio is terrible.  That 
immediately gives the message a VERY high spam score.  2) People 
often mark Beliefnet and other messages from that ISP as being spam - 
so system-wide it has a VERY high spam score from that too.

Hopefully the filter I created will catch the message before the spam 
check in done...

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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