On Oct 10, 2008, at 6:16 AM, Simon Royal wrote:

> Hi
> I have always had all-in-one Macs as my main machine so any drives  
> added
> have always been external. Well now I have a PowerMac G4 'Sawtooth'  
> making
> it easier to add hard drives and optical drives.
> I have a few queries.
> Firstly, I have a Pioneer 112D in a firewire case, could I add this  
> in as a
> second optical drive. I currently have a zip drive underneath my main
> optical drive, but could I add a second?

I think there are problems to solve with the mounting bracket and  
bezel replacement.

> Secondly, I have a 120GB hard drive in a firewire case. Would there  
> be any
> advantage of putting it internally. I currently have a 20GB 7200RPM  
> boot
> drive and a 20GB slave drive, could I add a third hard drive into it?

Its nice to have a backup / bootable drive in an external FW case ...  
a hard drive that doesn't get turned on every time you use the  
computer ... maybe housing a CCC copy of your OS X and other  
important partitions / data. Don't think there's the 128GB limitation  
on the external setup ... so maybe put the 120 inside, and get a 500  
or 750GB for the external case ... if it has a good Oxford type bridge.

> Does this Mac suffer from the 128GB HD limit and is that per drive or
> collective drives?

I believe if you use a controller PCI IDE/66-100-133 card for ATA  
drives, you can bypass the limitation of 128GB (I think the  
limitation is per drive, excepting RAID structures ???). Also think  
there's software like Tech Tool Pro that will help with the onboard  
ATA bus interaction with the drive. Not very familiar with that  

Have you seen Mactracker for well displayed summaries on all Macs made?

Others will have more details.



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