Average user + family(2teenager with own Itunes & iphoto)=      80gb  
original 65gb used
                                160gb external 120 used
                                300gb internal about 200gb used
I am looking hard at the terabyte to replace the original 80.

Jeff Bequette

On Oct 11, 2008, at 5:25 PM, Dan wrote:

> At 10:39 PM +0100 10/11/2008, Simon Royal wrote:
>> What does the average user do with all that space?
> Data is like GAS.  It expands to fill all available space!
>> Who actually uses 1000GB? Then you have the question of backing up.
>> The larger the storage the larger the back up needed.
> Backup volumes, movies, music, photo & video editing, databases,
> starcharts, Mach5 plans...
> - Dan.
> -- 
> - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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