On Oct 16, 2008, at 10:29 PM, Clark Martin wrote:

> Jasiu wrote:
>> I have a 400 MHZ Sawtooth that runs 10.4.11.  I would like to put  
>> OS 9
>> on it also.  My question is do I need to put OS 9 in the same hard
>> drive as X or can I put it in another hard drive?  I tried putting on
>> 9.0.2.  It loads ok but then for some reason when I try to run it, it
>> cant find it.  If anybody else has processor upgrade info for this
>> model, let me know
> You can put it on the same or a different volume, either way works.
> "It can't find it"???  Do you mean the Boot ROM can't find the OS 9
> System.  How are you selecting OS 9 to boot?  Does the HD have the  
> OS 9
> drivers installed (System Profiler will tell you)?  If it doesn't then
> you won't be able to see the disk when booted in OS 9.  Which means  
> you
> can't boot OS 9 from it.

Was the OS 9 System folder also "Blessed"?

Bill Connelly
artsite: http://mysite.verizon.net/moonstoneartstudio
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/moonstoneartstudio

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