On Oct 17, 2008, at 4:39 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

> On Oct 17, 2008, at 12:17 PM, Jeffrey Engle wrote:
>> Found out that the isub won't work with leopard anyway.... wonder if
>> there's another USB sub that will? hmm... Jeff
> Any reason you're intent on a USB subwoofer? why not just get a cheapo
> three speaker system with a subwoofer:
> <http://tinyurl.com/6xoalo> lists a bunch as cheap as $30.

Bruce, I currently have a set of AudioEngine A2's connected to my G5  
(at $200 for set of 2)...  all I need/want is a subwoofer.. preferably  
a nice one. Hope that answered your question. Jeff 

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