At 4:38 PM -0500 11/10/2008, Len Gerstel wrote:
>DA with 1GB (1024MB) ram installed running 10.4.11.
>Wired  103.24 MB

OS X's kernel plus i/o buffers.

>Active  589.93 MB

Memory allocated to processes and used recently.

>Inactive  314.41 MB

Memory allocated to processes and not used recently.

>Free  14.64 MB

Unused memory.

>VM size 7.90GB
>Page ins/ outs  50890/3877

>IIRC, the actual "free memory" is the combined inactive and free.  Correct?

Sortof but (see below).  Free is available.  Inactive is allocated. 
If a process needs memory, the Memory Manager will first grab from 
the free pool, and if that isn't enough then it will grab clean pages 
from the inactive list, and if that isn't enough it will grab dirty 

Clean == the page was read only, so its contents doesn't have to be 
hard paged to disk.

Dirty == the page was written on, so its contents must be written to 
the paging/swap file before it can be released.

>So, in theory, I am not choking my system and work habits with 
>"only"  1 GB of ram.
[and from above]
>After running my system all day (I shut down every night) and not 
>quitting any apps (13 are open), just closing the unused documents

At its face, it looks like you've got several hundred MB of available 
memory.  But ... you idled your system and closed files and windows 
first!  The memory manager is mostly passive but still, you're not 
looking at the environment that really counts.  Watch while it's 
being stressed instead.

Watching the size of the pools is good, but it needs to be done in 
conjunction with the page out rate - the rate at which that number 
changes.  If both those pools get small *and* the page out rate is 
high, then you need more RAM.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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