On Nov 26, 2008, at 11:06 PM, Dan wrote:

> Ok... so I gots these generic mp3 players.  They're so generic, some
> don't say anything on them except "made in china".  But they mount
> right up on the my Mac's desktop, and they sounds pretty good.
> I know I can populate them by dragging individual music tracks to
> their "disk" icons.
> But I'd rather have iTunes automagically sync a whole playlist over  
> to 'em....
> How do I do that?
> (on OS X 10.4.11, iTunes 8.0.2)
> ...I'm kindof a newbie with iTunes.  So far, I've only used it to
> play some podcasts and a few musics I got from elsewhere.
> Thanks,
> - Dan.

I can't believe it, Dan actually takes a break from fixing other  
people's problems to listen to some music?  Wish I knew the answer  
for you, but I always drag the ones over that I want of my mp3  
player.  I like to have total control.  I do know that copying files  
from a Mac to an mp3 player will also result in the extra files being  
copied also.  They can wreak havoc on some players, I'm speaking from  
experience here.  I generally use good ol' Windows to copy the music  
I want over.  HTH

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