On Dec 6, 2008, at 5:36 PM, Len Gerstel wrote:

> All you need to do is bring a 12v lead from an unused HD connector to
> the 4th mounting point on the QS processor card. Here is a site that
> talks about it. You can ignore all the scary stuff about case modding
> and removing an IDE connector, that only applies to sawtooth and
> gigabit ethernet models. What you want is about 1/2 way down the page
> labeled:
> 12 Volt Power Connector for 4th Mount Point
> Here is the page:
> http://homepage.mac.com/josephk/G4_mod.html

That's a very primitive mod ... certainly necessary, but not  
sufficient in the worst-cast scenario.

You may also want to power a fan unit, and that requires +12 volts  
and +12 volts return.

Pin 1 (+12 volts) ------------------------------- 
o---------------------------> (to QS CPU)
Pin 2 (+12 volts return)------------+             |
|             |
Pin 3 (+5 volts return)                   |             |
|             |
Pin 4 (+5 volts )                              |             |
V (to fan unit)

The returns are black.

The +12 volts is yellow.

The +5 volts is red.

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