At 12:16 AM -0800 12/20/2008, Ernest L. Gunerius wrote:
>Dual 500 GigE.
>A process named mds running at Root is taking 99% of the CPU

That's Spotlight, running from the root account.

 From your description, most likely the Spotlight index on one or more 
of your disk volumes has been corrupted.  If Spotlight finishes in a 
few hours - then all's good.  If it doesn't, then you need to turn 
off indexing, erase the indices, then turn indexing back on -- and 
let it run until it's finished.

Note that Spotlight's indexing process, in Tiger, is a bit buggy.  It 
corrupts things if the indexing process is interrupted.  So DO NOT 
shutdown or sleep.  It's ok to use the machine while it's running, 
just don't shutdown or sleep until it's done.

 From your administrator account, issue these three commands from Terminal:

sudo mdutil -i off /Volumes/*
sudo mdutil -E /Volumes/*
sudo mdutil -i on /Volumes/*

They must be done exactly as-is - they are case sensitive.

Once that's done, let your system run - DO NOT shut it down or let it 
sleep until the mds and mdutil processes do their thing, then go back 
to being idle.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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