On Dec 20, 2008, at 11:14 PM, jonas ulrich wrote:

> Hi. I just bought a DVD card for my PowerBook G3 Lombard 333MHZ. I  
> can play DVDs great in OS9, but I would like to find a way to play  
> them in OS10. Does anyone know of any programs that will do that?  
> Thanks!

VLC should play them in OS X, but a 333 MHz G3 likely won't cut it.  
The frame rate will be terrible. All you'll likely see is stuttering  
frames and stop frames. There are some tricks to try and speed things  
up, but I don't think they'll be enough?

1) Use something like SpeedFreak to dedicate all the CPU cycles to VLC.
2) Close all other programs and anything that runs in background, such  
as print daemons and other background startup items (look in System  
Preferences>Accounts>Login Items).

I think you'll need to boot OS 9 to play a DVD perfectly.

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