I was given a 500-gig FireWire 800 external drive (generic, I guess;
no logo on the metal case) as part of the deal when I bought my G5 on
eBay, but when I plug the drive into the FW 800 port of my G5, it does
not show up on the desktop, even with restarts. I tried a different FW
cable, and tried both FW ports on the drive, same result. Then I took
the drive over to a G4 MDD with a FW 800 port and plugged it into that
computer, but the G4 doesn't see it either, so it's not likely a dead
FW port on the G5. The fan in the case is running, and I can hear the
drive humming away in there too, the case gets warm and vibrates
mildly to the touch like things are spinning inside, and the blue
light is shining steadily on the front of the case. But it doesn't
show up on the desktop, and Disk Utility doesn't see it either.

Back in the old SCSI days, I remember using search utilities that
could seek out drives and mount them, but Disk Utility doesn't seem
capable of that, or at least I don't see any "Search for and Mount
Drives" option.

What do you do with a thing like this?

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