At 2:19 AM -0600 12/22/2008, Stephen Conrad wrote:
>  > I see this like this whole Compact Florescent effort that we've
>>  bought into.  The mercury in them makes them one of the worst
>>  technologies we've ever used.  If you break one at home, technically,
>>  you're supposed to report it to your local poison control center so
>>  they can initiate the necessary environmental cleanup!  Beyond that,
>>  their light is awful, and they DONT last the n years they're supposed
>>  to.  The only way CF lights are a good deal is if you're a stock
>>  holder in the companies that make them.  The same as for buying new
>  > computer hardware just to replace perfectly good working hardware...
>They last longer if kept on longer than the old indascents. Turning
>them on and off is not good for their longevity (so the experts say).

So... 60w for 30 mins vs 23w for 6 hours?   ROFLMAO.  hum.  Gotta 
think about this; wondering if the CF lights we've burned out were in 
places where we turn them on/off often/briefly.

ug.  Outside, we have 10 lights in the front - porch, yard poles, 
floods, etc.  When we had traditional lights, we only turned on the 
leg by the street, 180w total.  But now that we have CF everywhere, 
my housemates turn them ALL on every night, 340w.  Those CF bulbs are 
the outdoor rated ones; all have been replaced at least once in the 
past year.

>Also, they have gotten better in the light quality aspect (again, 
>this is from the experts who test these things for places like 
>Consumer Reports).

yea.  I've seen that the new ones are brighter, but their light is 
still blueish and flickers.  Just plain nasty to read by.

>But you are right on the whole mercury thing (the companies say they 
>are working on this) and when they do burn out you are NOT supposed 
>to toss them in the trash (Hazardous Waste Disposal is the stream 
>theya re supposed to go in).

Our township is now accepting them at their hazardous waste site. 
That means even after the darned thing has died, you still have to 
spend gas and time and tax money to make it go away!

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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